Hadi Sidibé
Hadi is a lawyer by education and currently holds the position of Technical Director at DCEG. In this capacity, he has had to participate and/or coordinate several missions for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of development projects. His activities include the identification of opportunities and partners (offices and experts) but also the preparation of calls for tenders, coordination of project implementation and the drafting of activity reports. During his career, he has become familiar with the procedures of several donors such as the European Union, the ADB and international cooperation institutions (JICA, CIDA, AFD etc.).
Hadi holds a Master’s degree (Master 2) in Private Law, option Business Law obtained at the University of Dakar (Faculty of Legal and Political Science). He subsequently participated in several seminars and modular training courses, notably on the creation/management of enterprises (at ADEPME) and on the creation/administration of websites.